iKamasutra – Sex Positions (For Android)

Diposkan oleh Vina Free Download | Friday, May 04, 2012 | | 5 komentar »

Description: There’s a position for that. Find out what over 12 million lovers are all smiling about. Lovingly written and illustrated exclusively for this Android app, iKamasutra brings thousands of years of Kama Sutra experimentation into one incredibly fun and sensual app. View over one hundred sex positions in 9 categories, each tastefully drawn and explained, and enjoy tracking your progress from Novice to Kama Sutra Master using the world’s ultimate guide to sex. iKamasutra is the most highly recommended app of its kind, with a beautifully designed and pleasing interface. You may never be able to stop glancing at your phone again!
  • There’s a position for that: We’ve included 110 of the most popular sexual positions to motivate and inspire you. (Even more are available through in-app purchase from our Love Store.) There are nine categories—everything from Spooning to Cowgirl, Doggy Style to Exotic—featuring descriptions that are professionally written and easy to follow so you’ll quickly move into position.
  • Stretch to your limits: Track your progress from Novice to Kama Sutra Grand Master by marking every position you try, and save positions you just have to try on your To Do list. There is even a Favorites section so you always have quick access to the ones you can’t live without. Ready for more? The Places challenge will keep track of where you make love, and the Movie section lets you relive positions from your favorite films.
  • Shake it, baby: Ask your partner to shake the phone to choose a random new position. You can also swipe left or right to view the next position, or rotate to landscape for a full-screen slideshow on your phone. Get into the groove with soothing built-in sitar music, and let iKamasutra find additional positions for you based on different levels of intimacy, complexity and strength.
  • Share the love: Want to be the envy of all your friends? iKamasutra lets you share positions and your progress on Twitter & Facebook. If you’re shy, don’t worry: you can also password protect the app to keep your desires private and safe.
  • Email just got sexy again: iKamasutra lets you email positions to your partner any time of day, right from the app! It’s not only sexy, but a great way to excite and inspire you between sessions. No time for email? Share positions with your partner by Facebook and Twitter, or view Today’s Position and get busy!
iKamasutra – Sex Positions (For Android)

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5 komentar

  1. Anonymous // May 13, 2012 at 8:22 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
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